Made for students, by students, The 4U Paper is one of the most loved platforms within the school for the student body to express themselves.
The 4U Paper has always been a creative and informative outlet for student. Being the school's student-run magazine, it features a diverse range of topics including literature, technology, politics, to teacher showcases and updates around the school.
Hence, the design of The 4U Paper varies between editions, adapting to the different circumstances and contexts of the articles featured within each edition. Despite this, the design is kept consistent and recognisable. This creates challenges and interesting new ideas within each edition for designers and formatters alike, who design article covers and format articles in a way appropriate to what is being written.
The 4U Paper is available online at bit.ly/the4upaper and in the library at North Sydney Boys High School.
The specific design of The 4U Paper heavily varies between each edition. However, here are some notable snapshots from editions that I significantly contributed to in designing:
Design Guidelines
Despite the changing design between each article and edition of The 4U Paper, some aspects had to be kept consistent to ensure the recognisability and clarity when users interacted with The 4U Paper.
This included the general layout, margins, columns, padding and font of the body text within articles. These could change in particularly special occasions, though they were generally constant.
The 4U Paper was publicised in several ways.
Across the school
Posters were put up in corridors the school for each new edition
These were accompanied by holders that would include several copies of the edition for students to take
The latest edition, with a poster for each article is put up under The 4U Paper noticeboard
Social media
When each edition is released, an Instagram post and story is put up on the school's social media page with an online link to each edition.
In the library
The 4U Paper is neatly laid out at the front desk in library, inviting students to take and read a copy.
Engagement within each edition
Each edition of The 4U Paper features other forms of engaging media like interesting facts and riddles at the end.
The riddles would be submitted in a Google Forms once they are solved, and the people who solved them get a shoutout in the next edition.
This encourages word of mouth, for each responder of The 4U Paper to spread it.
Overall, The 4U Paper garners up to 400 engagements each monthly edition online, with many more who prefer to obtain paper copies in the library or around the school.
Over the several years I have contributed to the platform by writing, editing, formatting and designing, I have always appreciated the diverse nature of The 4U Paper and have always continued to foster the sense of belonging of The 4U Paper within working in a small team of writers, editors and designers and across the school.
It's been a rewarding journey to be part of a team that brings diverse perspectives and engaging content to our fellow students, with a platform made for students, by students.
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